Quote of the day:

"Each photograph is a story captured in a single moment"

Author: M.Lopez

Photography is capturing the extraordinary meaning in each ordinary moment, and weaving these strands together to tell a story – your story - to hold, to share, to remember.

Author: Cindy Jenson-Elliot

Monday, July 27, 2009

I woke up.....27

Do you remember when you were a young teenager? That 18 seemed SOOOOOOO far away... 18 marked the beginning of a new life for you.... you would be your own person, you wouldnt have to listen to anyone! Your independence was yours for the taking.... well that day came and went and BOOM you woke up 27.

Yesterday was my birthday.... I woke up 27. I cant believe how fast those years came and went. It makes me realize just how short this life is.... how fast years seem to slip by. Dont spend your life waiting for a day, or longing for something in the future. Enjoy the right now. I'm determined to enjoy mine... we are not gauranteed tomorrow.


1 comment:

JenL said...

Both you and your pictures are so beautiful, Jess. Happy birthday late :-).